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10 Fun Facts about Shih Tzu Singaporeans May Not Know

10 Fun Facts about Shih Tzu Singaporeans May Not Know

10 Fun Facts about  Shih Tzu Singaporeans May Not Know

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  • Ancient Royalty Companion: Shih Tzus were once pampered companions to Chinese royalty, adored for their regal charm and affection.
  • Name’s Meaningful Origin: “Shih Tzu” translates to “Lion Dog,” reflecting the breed’s lion-like mane and revered status in Chinese culture.
  • Celeb Canine Couture: These stylish pups have graced the arms of celebrities like Marilyn Monroe, captivating hearts with their fashionable allure.
  • Ideal Apartment Allies: Shih Tzus are pint-sized apartment dwellers, thriving in compact spaces and stealing the spotlight with their playful antics.
  • The Secret Health Boosters: Beyond fluffiness, their distinct facial features serve a purpose—helping prevent respiratory issues, making them resilient little health allies.


Shih Tzus are not just another adorable face in the dog world; they come with a rich history and unique characteristics that make them stand out. In Singapore, where pet ownership is on the rise, Shih Tzus have become increasingly popular. But how much do you really know about this charming breed? In this article, we delve into 10 fun facts about Shih Tzus that may surprise even the most ardent dog lovers.

1. A Royal History

The Shih Tzu breed has a royal history that dates back to ancient China. They were bred to resemble “little lions” and were often found in the laps of Chinese emperors. These dogs were so highly valued that for many years, the Chinese refused to sell, trade, or give them away. It wasn’t until the 1930s that the first pair of Shih Tzus were brought to England, marking the breed’s introduction to the Western world.

2. The Name’s Meaning

The name “Shih Tzu” translates to “Lion Dog” in Mandarin. This is a fitting name for a breed that was designed to resemble a lion, albeit a very small and cute one. The Shih Tzu’s mane of hair, dignified demeanor, and sometimes haughty attitude all contribute to its lion-like persona.

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3. Not a Morning Dog

If you’re not a morning person, you’ll find a kindred spirit in a Shih Tzu. These dogs are known for their love of sleep and can snooze for up to 14 hours a day. This makes them perfect companions for those who enjoy a laid-back lifestyle. However, they do enjoy short walks and playtime, so they’re not entirely sedentary.

4. Great Apartment Dogs

Shih Tzus make excellent apartment dogs, especially in space-constrained Singapore. They are small in size, generally weighing between 4 to 7.2 kilograms, and adapt well to indoor living. Their calm and friendly nature also makes them great neighbors, as they are less likely to bark excessively or cause disturbances.

5. Low Allergen Levels

Shih Tzus are one of the few dog breeds that are less likely to trigger allergies. Their hair is more like human hair than typical dog fur, which means they shed less dander. This is a significant advantage for people who love dogs but are allergic to them.

6. Training Challenges

While Shih Tzus are intelligent dogs, they can be a bit stubborn when it comes to training. They often have their own ideas about how things should be done and may require a little extra patience and positive reinforcement. However, once trained, they are incredibly loyal and eager to please.


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7. Health Considerations

Like all breeds, Shih Tzus have their own set of health concerns. They are prone to certain issues like hip dysplasia, respiratory problems, and eye conditions. Regular veterinary check-ups and a balanced diet can go a long way in ensuring your Shih Tzu lives a long, healthy life.

8. Grooming Needs

Shih Tzus require regular grooming to keep their long, flowing coats in good condition. This includes daily brushing to prevent tangles and mats, as well as regular baths. Their eyes and ears also need to be cleaned regularly to prevent infections.

9. A Loving Companion

Shih Tzus are known for their affectionate nature. They form strong bonds with their families and are excellent with children and other pets. Their loving disposition makes them ideal companions for anyone looking to add a little joy and warmth to their lives.

10. A Cultural Icon

Shih Tzus have not only captured the hearts of dog lovers but have also made their mark in popular culture. From appearing in movies and TV shows to being the subject of artworks and memes, this breed’s adorable appearance and charming personality make it a cultural icon. In Singapore, where the influence of both Eastern and Western cultures is strong, the Shih Tzu’s appeal transcends boundaries, making it a beloved figure in various forms of media and art.


Whether you’re a current Shih Tzu owner or considering bringing one into your home, we hope these 10 fun facts have given you new insights into this delightful breed. With their rich history, unique characteristics, and loving nature, Shih Tzus are more than just cute faces—they are companions that will bring joy and comfort for years to come.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Why are Shih Tzus known as “Lion Dogs”?

A: Shih Tzus earned this name due to their lion-like mane, mirroring their regal charm in Chinese culture.

Q: Can Shih Tzus adapt to apartment living in Singapore?

A: Absolutely! Shih Tzus thrive in compact spaces, making them ideal and adorable companions for Singaporean apartment dwellers.

Q: Are Shih Tzus good with families and children?

A: Yes, Shih Tzus are natural nurturers with an instinct to care for and protect, making them wonderful family pets.

Q: What health benefits do Shih Tzus offer beyond their cuteness?

A: Shih Tzus’ unique facial features help prevent respiratory issues, contributing to their overall resilience and well-being.

Q: Any historical significance of Shih Tzus in Chinese royalty?

A: Shih Tzus were cherished companions to Chinese royalty, adored for their affection and esteemed presence in ancient times.

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Jiggy enjoys a good bargain and can be found hunting for discounts and bargain at your local discount stores or thrift shops. She's an avid recycling fan and believes in contributing actively to sustainability and caring for Mother Earth.

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