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Why People Love To Hate Digital Detox During The Pandemic

News updates. WhatsApp messages. New emails. Games notifications. And then another notification pings, this time from Facebook. The notifications that light up our black mirrors is already a familiar melody in our day-to-day, and picking up our phones already feels like an instinct now. So when we talk about this, it’s easy to feel that’s paradoxical given that it’s practically unavoidable. Perhaps that’s why people love to hate digital detox during the pandemic. Read on as Tropika Club discovers more.

No Time to Read? Here’s a Snappy Summary of This Article

  • Digital Detox: It’s Not That Easy: The article describes the author’s personal experience of trying to reduce their screen time using the Screen Time feature on iOS, but failing to do so due to the addictive nature of technology and social media.
  • Is Digital Detox Designed to Fail?: The article questions the effectiveness of the “Time Well Spent” movement, which aims to make technology respect its users’ time and not exploit their vulnerabilities. It suggests that big tech companies have adopted this idea superficially, without addressing the underlying causes of digital addiction.
  • “Time Well Spent”: The article explains the concept of “Time Well Spent”, which was coined by former Google design ethicist Tristan Harris. It advocates for designing technology that aligns with human values and well-being, rather than maximizing engagement and profit.
  • Change the Way We Look at Digital Detox: The article proposes some tips on how to approach digital detox in a more realistic and sustainable way, such as turning off some notifications, planning your digital detox, and setting tech-free times and zones. It also encourages users to be more mindful of their digital habits and motivations and to seek balance rather than abstinence.

Digital Detox: It’s Not That Easy

I got the iPhone 11 in October because my old phone broke. That’s how I knew the Screen Time feature on iOS. It tracks how often I use my phone, how much time I spent on it, and what apps I spent my time on. It seemed useful in the beginning, I thought it could help me wind down my endless scrolls on Facebook and Reddit (yes, yes I’m a nerd).

For a while, it did. I used the feature to help me block out most apps after 11 p.m., except for some messaging apps, Grab and Google Maps (in case I’m out late), as well as some note-taking apps (in case I want to jot down ideas). In a bid to see a decrease in the charts on Screen Time, I tried to cut down on time spent on my phone. The weeks passed, and bit by bit, there was a small decrease.

Is Digital Detox Designed to Fail?

But I took it for granted, happily thinking I was already making it a habit. I let my guard down. Pretty soon, I was hitting the ‘One More Minute’ button when I went over the time limit. Then it devolved to ‘Remind Me in 15 Minutes’. Pretty soon, I was hitting the ‘Ignore Limit For Today’ button deep into the night for my next dose of cat videos.

When the RPG game Genshin Impact arrived, all my progress evaporated as I went about daily quests and whatnot. The charts shot up, and my screen time increased by 9 percent, 12 percent. For November, my screen time hovered at an average of 8 hours a day. Not. Good. Did putting the Screen Time widget on my home screen work? I barely even noticed it.

I am not the only one. A fellow writer did exactly the same thing as I did with the Screen Time – we did nothing. We both side-stepped the limitation of the feature. 

So is this kind of ‘Screen Time’ feature, in all its different forms across platforms, a bug then?

“Time Well Spent”

Springing up around seven years ago, it’s a movement that wants to make technology respect its users’ time and not exploit the vulnerabilities of its users, rather than dousing us in dopamine boosts. Big Tech adopted the idea in droves. Google, like Apple, launched its own on-device features to get people to monitor the time spent on their devices. Instagram and Facebook also launched notifications and the ability to snooze their apps. Soon, a whole cottage industry sprang up to help people digitally detox. Around Singapore, vacations at exotic, far-flung hotels are marketed as digital detox retreats.

Yet, we are ever more glued to our screens. According to a report by We Are Social, Singaporeans are spending almost 7 hours a day online this year. Because of the pandemic, internet usage spiked as much as 60% for some internet service providers as more of us stay home.

So as much as we want to digitally detox, feels like a privilege, a luxury. Because there are only so many of us that can unplug. We’re only ‘always on’ because we have to. Work emails and messages, errands for the family, taking care of our friends. In a world brought on by the pandemic, so much of the ‘real-life’ we know is translated online.

Yes, there is a fear of digital distractions wrecking our mental and physical health, psychological development, and sleep patternsas well as how it affects the youth psychologically. But some experts have argued that the research that yielded such results confronted technology as a monolith. Those research could be neglecting the nuances of how and what we spend time in the digital space. 

As an example, there was research by the Oxford Internet Insitute, a multidisciplinary research and teaching department of the University of Oxford, offered a different narrative of video games. In a departure from previous approaches, they looked at the actual industry data for the playtime for two games: Plants vs Zombies: Battle for Neighborville and Animal Crossing: New Horizons. It found that the amount of time playing the game can enhance well-being and that the player’s subjective experiences during gameplay could be a factor for improved well-being. However, if the gamer’s psychological needs weren’t being fulfilled in real life, they experienced negative well-being from playing the games.

So, how do we negotiate the travails of our time in the digital space against the need for it?

Change the Way We Look at Digital Detox

We often use the language of addiction when describing our time online. It bears all the symptoms: the dependence on technology, its adverse effects, that someone created these systems to monetize our attention. But one author suggests we take a different point of view. Instead, why not see it as a distraction, rather than an addiction?

With that, let’s rethink the way we see digital detox as well. Instead of seeing it as a must-have getaway or an ideal that you have to fight to attain, why not start with a few simple tweaks?

Here are three easy steps to get you started:

1. Turn off (Some) Notifications

This is probably the fastest and easiest way to take back control of your device. You don’t need to read your emails or reply to messages the moment you get them. Don’t want to have another match of your game in the middle of your work? Turn that notification off too! Also, you probably don’t need that offer from Taobao.
This is especially important before you sleep. Check if your devices can turn off notifications a few hours before you sleep.

2. Plan Your Digital Detox

Mark a few dates that you can afford to go off the grid. You don’t need to do it a few days in a row. If you’re planning to travel somewhere, memorize the routes and make sure you already paid your bills too!

And remember to tell your friends, family, and work (if need be). For emails, you can always set an automatic response too. That way, everyone won’t be left wondering.

3. Set Tech-Free Times and Zones

It could be the dining room, the gym, or your bedroom. Once you’re in your tech-free zones, remember to have some rules. Maybe you could turn on your phone’s airplane mode once you’re there, or even keep it out of sight.
Pair this habit with a set time every day, like as you’re cooking, eating, working out, or when you’re talking to your friends and family.

Time to Close The Tabs

We don’t have to be always on. By having a more mindful approach to the way we use technology, it’s going to be easier for us to notice the little pleasures in our lives. Let’s not miss out on the memories and connections we make in our lives.


A digital detox is a period of time when you take a break from using electronic devices or certain media, such as smartphones, computers, social media, and TV. It can help you reduce stress, improve sleep, focus better, and enjoy more offline activities. Sounds great, right? So why do some people hate the idea of doing a digital detox?

Well, there are several possible reasons. Some people may feel that they need to stay connected to their work, family, friends, or the news, especially during these uncertain times. They may worry that they will miss out on important information or opportunities if they disconnect from their devices. They may also feel that technology is a source of entertainment, comfort, or escape from their problems.

Other people may have developed a habit or an addiction to using their devices. They may check their phone first thing in the morning, scroll through social media for hours, or binge-watch TV shows at night. They may feel anxious, bored, or restless without their devices. They may also experience withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, mood swings, or cravings if they try to cut down on their screen time.

Some people may also resist doing a digital detox because they don’t see the benefits or they think it’s too hard. They may believe that they can handle their device use without any negative consequences. They may also think that doing a digital detox is unrealistic, impractical, or impossible in today’s world. They may not have the motivation, support, or resources to do a digital detox successfully.

However, these reasons are not valid excuses to avoid doing a digital detox. In fact, they are signs that you need one more than ever. A digital detox can help you regain control over your device use and your life. It can help you balance your online and offline activities and improve your well-being. It can also help you appreciate the value of real-life social interactions and experiences.

Doing a digital detox doesn’t mean that you have to give up technology completely or forever. It just means that you have to set some boundaries and limits on how much and when you use your devices. You can choose how long and how often you want to do a digital detox, depending on your goals and needs. You can also modify your digital detox to suit your preferences and circumstances.

For example, you can do a digital detox for 24 hours, a week, or a month. You can do it once in a while or regularly. You can do it alone or with others. You can do it at home or somewhere else. You can avoid all devices or just some of them. You can also use some tools or apps to help you track your screen time and block distractions.

The most important thing is to make a plan and stick to it. You can start by identifying your reasons for doing a digital detox and setting some specific and realistic goals. You can also prepare yourself mentally and physically for the challenge and anticipate any obstacles or temptations that may arise. You can also find some alternative activities to fill your time and keep yourself busy and entertained.

Some examples of things you can do during a digital detox are:

  • Read a book or a magazine.
  • Write in a journal or a letter.
  • Meditate or do yoga.
  • Exercise or play a sport.
  • Cook or bake something.
  • Learn a new skill or hobby.
  • Listen to music or a podcast.
  • Play a board game or a card game.
  • Do some gardening or cleaning.
  • Visit a museum or a park.
  • Go for a walk or a bike ride.
  • Volunteer for a cause or help someone in need.
  • Spend quality time with your family or friends.

Doing these activities can help you relax, have fun, learn something new, and connect with yourself and others. They can also make you realize that there is more to life than technology and that you don’t need your devices to be happy.

So what are you waiting for? Take the plunge and try doing a digital detox today. You may be surprised by how much you enjoy it and how much it improves your life. And if you need some inspiration or guidance, check out our blog at Tropika Club Magazine for more tips and stories on how to do a digital detox successfully.

We hope this article has helped you understand why some people love to hate digital detox during the pandemic and why you should give it a try yourself. Remember, doing a digital detox is not about depriving yourself of technology but about finding balance and harmony in your life. It’s about reclaiming your time, attention, energy, and happiness from the clutches of your devices.

So go ahead and challenge yourself to do a digital detox today. You won’t regret it! And don’t forget to share your experience with us in the comments below. We’d love to hear from you!


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: What is a digital detox?

A: A digital detox is a period of time when a person voluntarily refrains from using electronic devices such as smartphones, computers, tablets, and social media platforms. The purpose of a digital detox is to reduce stress, improve focus, enhance relationships, and reconnect with oneself and the natural world.

Q: Why do people love to hate digital detox during the pandemic?

A: People love to hate digital detox during the pandemic because they have conflicting feelings about their digital habits. On one hand, they are aware of the negative effects of excessive screen time, such as anxiety, insomnia, eye strain, and reduced productivity. On the other hand, they rely on their devices for entertainment, information, communication, and work. They may also feel guilty or fearful of missing out on important updates or opportunities if they disconnect from the online world.

Q: How can I do a digital detox during the pandemic?

A: There is no one-size-fits-all approach to doing a digital detox during the pandemic. However, some general tips are:

  • Set realistic and specific goals for your digital detox. For example, you can decide to limit your screen time to a certain number of hours per day or to avoid certain apps or websites that trigger stress or distraction.
  • Plan ahead and inform your family, friends, and colleagues about your digital detox. Let them know how they can reach you in case of emergencies, and ask them to respect your boundaries and support your decision.
  • Find alternative activities that enrich your mind, body, and soul. For example, you can read a book, meditate, exercise, cook, play an instrument, or do some gardening.
  • Track your progress and reward yourself for sticking to your digital detox plan. You can use a journal, a calendar, or an app to record your screen time and how you feel during and after your digital detox. You can also treat yourself to something you enjoy, such as a massage, a movie, or a dessert.

Q: What are the benefits of doing a digital detox during the pandemic?

A: Doing a digital detox during the pandemic can have many benefits for your physical and mental health. Some of the benefits are:

  • Reduced stress and anxiety. By taking a break from the constant barrage of news, notifications, and messages, you can lower your cortisol levels and calm your nervous system.
  • Improved sleep quality and quantity. By avoiding blue light exposure before bedtime, you can regulate your circadian rhythm and promote melatonin production.
  • Enhanced focus and creativity. By eliminating distractions and multitasking, you can improve your concentration and memory. You can also free up mental space for new ideas and insights.
  • Deepened relationships with yourself and others. By spending less time online and more time offline, you can reconnect with your inner self and your core values. You can also have more meaningful interactions with your loved ones face-to-face or through phone calls or letters.

Q: Where can I find more resources on digital detox?

A: If you are interested in learning more about digital detox, you can check out these resources:

  • Digital Detox Singapore, is a website that offers tips and programs on how to reduce screen time and improve well-being.
  • The best digital detox retreats near Singapore, an article that features some of the places where you can unplug and unwind in nature.
  • How to Do a Digital Detox: Expert Tips & Step-by-Step Guide, an article that provides practical advice on how to plan and execute a successful digital detox.
  • What is a Digital Detox? an article that explains the concept and benefits of a digital detox.

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Tropika Club Magazine – Tropika Club Magazine is a Singapore-based publication that features articles on a wide range of topics with a focus on local businesses and content for the region. The magazine emphasizes supporting local businesses through its #SupportLocal initiative, which includes coverage of everything from neighborhood hawker stalls to aesthetic clinics in town. In addition to highlighting local businesses, Tropika Club Magazine also covers a variety of local content, including beauty, lifestyle, places, eats, and what’s on in Singapore and the Asia Pacific region.

Tropika Club Deals – Tropika Club Deals is a leading online deals and voucher shopping site in Singapore, offering amazing discounts on beauty, wellness, and fitness products and services. It’s the perfect platform for customers who want to discover the best deals without having to commit to a specific appointment date and time. These deals are available at major beauty stores, facial salons, hair salons, and other brands in Singapore, with no minimum spend required. Choose from guaranteed discounted deals in the categories of hairstyling, hair removal, facial & aesthetics, body slimming, brows & lashes, nails & makeup, massage & spa or fitness & wellness. Tropika Club Deals is also ideal for customers who want to buy vouchers as gifts or to use for the future. So whether you’re looking to save money on your next haircut or want to treat yourself to a relaxing massage, Tropika Club Deals has got you covered with the best voucher and coupon deals in Singapore!

Terence is the deputy editor for Tropika Club Magazine. He is an analytical individual who enjoys learning about animals and different cultures. He has a curious mind and is always seeking knowledge and understanding. Terence is also a friendly and approachable person who enjoys making connections with others. He is passionate about his work in the publishing industry and takes pride in his collaborations with authors and editors.

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