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10 Facts You Didn't Know about Dengue

10 Facts You Didn’t Know about Dengue

10 Facts You Didn't Know about Dengue

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  • Mosquito Ballet: Dengue is transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes, which dance through the air, carrying the virus to unsuspecting victims.
  • Viral Symphony: The dengue virus has four distinct serotypes, creating a viral symphony that challenges the immune system with diverse melodies.
  • Dengue’s Lunar Cycle: The virus follows a peculiar pattern, causing more outbreaks during specific lunar phases, leaving scientists intrigued by this celestial connection.
  • Monkeys in the Mix: While humans are the primary hosts, monkeys can also harbor the virus, adding a wild twist to dengue’s transmission dynamics.
  • Hemorrhagic Whodunit: In severe cases, dengue can turn into a medical mystery, as patients experience hemorrhagic fever, leaving doctors deciphering the clues.
  • Vaccine Dilemma: Despite ongoing efforts, developing a dengue vaccine proves challenging, presenting a scientific puzzle with global health implications.


In the heart of the tropics, Singapore is not just known for its vibrant culture and skyline, but also as a breeding ground for a tiny, yet formidable foe – the Aedes mosquito. With its itchy bites and silent threats, Dengue fever has been a constant concern. But do you really know all there is to know about this disease? From its history to the latest research, join us on a journey to unravel 10 surprising facts about Dengue that affect Singapore.

1. The Dengue Detective

Dengue was first reported in Singapore back in the 1800s, making it no stranger to our shores. The National Environment Agency (NEA) plays the role of our ‘Dengue Detective,’ monitoring and combating outbreaks with public engagement and awareness campaigns.

2. The Four Dengue Serotypes

Dengue isn’t just one disease – it’s four! These serotypes can cause various symptoms, and contracting one doesn’t make you immune to the others. This complex nature keeps our health authorities on their toes.

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3. The Silent Vector

The Aedes mosquito is the notorious vector for Dengue, and it prefers urban areas, lurking in water containers near our homes. Removing these breeding sites is vital in the fight against Dengue’s spread.

4. Dengue in the Neighborhood

Dengue clusters are common in Singapore, with residential areas like Tampines and Yishun experiencing periodic outbreaks. A community effort is essential in eradicating these localized hotspots.

5. The Economic Impact

Beyond health, Dengue exacts an economic toll. Hospitalization, loss of productivity, and mosquito control measures cost Singapore millions annually, putting strain on the healthcare system.

6. Climate Change Connection

As temperatures rise due to climate change, Singapore’s environment becomes even more hospitable for Aedes mosquitoes. This factor could lead to increased Dengue transmission.


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7. The Elusive Dengue Vaccine

Researchers have been working diligently to create a Dengue vaccine, but its development is complicated by the virus’s multiple serotypes. An effective vaccine could be a game-changer for Singapore.

8. The Painful Reality

While Dengue is usually non-fatal, it can be a painful and debilitating illness. Severe cases may result in Dengue hemorrhagic fever, which requires immediate medical attention.

9. Prevention is Key

The best way to combat Dengue is through prevention. Use mosquito repellent, wear long sleeves, and keep homes free of stagnant water. The “Mozzie Wipeout” campaign by NEA encourages these practices.

10. The Hope for a Dengue-Free Future

Singapore is committed to a Dengue-free future. Research, innovation, and public cooperation are our weapons in this ongoing battle. Together, we can reduce the impact of this disease in our city-state.


Dengue remains a significant health concern in Singapore. Understanding its complexity, from the Aedes mosquito’s stealthy ways to the economic impact and ongoing research, is crucial. As Singaporeans, we play a vital role in preventing Dengue’s spread. Together, we can strive for a Dengue-free Singapore, where our vibrant culture thrives without this mosquito-borne menace lurking in the shadows.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: How can I protect myself from dengue in Singapore?

A: Wear long sleeves, use mosquito repellent, and eliminate stagnant water around your home to prevent mosquito breeding.

Q: Are there specific areas in Singapore more prone to dengue outbreaks?

A: Yes, stay updated on the National Environment Agency’s dengue clusters map to be aware of high-risk areas in Singapore.

Q: What are the early symptoms of dengue fever to look out for?

A: Watch for sudden high fever, severe headaches, pain behind the eyes, joint and muscle pain, and skin rashes.

Q: Can dengue be fatal, and what should I do if I suspect I have it?

A: In severe cases, dengue can be fatal; seek medical attention immediately if you experience symptoms like persistent vomiting or bleeding.

Q: How effective are mosquito repellents in preventing dengue?

A: Mosquito repellents with DEET, Picaridin, or Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus are effective in preventing mosquito bites and, consequently, dengue.

Q: Is there ongoing research for a dengue vaccine, and when can we expect one?

A: Researchers are actively working on a dengue vaccine, but a specific timeline for its availability is not yet determined.

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Bella Belago writes about anything under the sun, especially on treks, hikes and outdoor adventures including the sun, sea and surf. She enjoys local cuisine such as nasi lemak and laksa and can be found hanging out at her neighbourhood cafes and coffeeshops.

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