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How to Give Better Massage for your Loved Ones

After everything we do daily, it’s no wonder that our bodies—and minds—crave a healing, tension-releasing massage to help us wind down and feel relaxed. Often, we want someone to work out the knot in our back or crick in our neck—something your significant other may request from time to time. The truth is, you can offer a therapeutic, at-home massage that provides some of the better-health benefits of massage therapy, like easing pain and reducing stress, while also creating an intimate moment between you and your partner. Enjoying this practice together allows you to connect through the power of touch in a private, soothing setting.

No Time to Read? Here’s a Snappy Summary of This Article

  • To avoid getting tired or hurting your hands, use your body weight and gravity to apply pressure and massage your partner. Have your partner sit on the ground on a pillow or lie on a mat, and position yourself behind or above them.
  • Use some warm lotion or oil on your hands and rub them together before applying them to your partner’s back. This will create a soothing warmth and reduce friction.
  • Avoid pinching or grabbing muscles, which can cause pain or discomfort. Instead, use your whole hand to knead and stroke the muscles gently and firmly.
  • Start massaging the back at the lower back and move your hands upward on both sides of the spine all the way to the shoulders. Use broad strokes to cover more surface area and adjust the pressure according to your partner’s preference and feedback.

1. Use your body weight when massaging

Do you want to give a relaxing and effective massage to your partner, friend or family member? If so, you might think that you need to use a lot of strength and pressure to work on their muscles and knots. But that’s not true! In fact, you can give a great massage by using your body weight instead of your hands. This way, you can avoid getting tired and sore, and also deliver a deeper and more satisfying massage. Here are some tips on how to massage with your body weight.

Use your palms and forearms

One of the easiest ways to use your body weight is to use your palms and forearms instead of your fingers and thumbs. Your palms and forearms have a larger surface area, which means they can cover more of the body and apply more pressure without straining your hands. To use your palms and forearms, you need to:

  • Place your palms flat on the body part you want to massage, such as the back, shoulders or legs.
  • Lean in with your body weight and move your palms in circular or sweeping motions along the muscles.
  • You can also use your forearms to glide along the body part, especially if you want to reach deeper tissues or larger areas.

Use your elbows and knees

Another way to use your body weight is to use your elbows and knees. These are more pointed than your palms and forearms, which means they can target specific points or knots on the body. However, you need to be careful not to apply too much pressure or cause pain. To use your elbows and knees, you need to:

  • Find a comfortable position where you can balance your body weight on your elbows or knees without falling over or hurting yourself.
  • Place your elbow or knee on the body part you want to massage, such as the neck, lower back or thighs.
  • Lean in with your body weight and move your elbow or knee in small circles or back and forth motions along the muscles.
  • You can also use both elbows or knees at the same time to massage both sides of the body.

High blood pressure means excessive pressure against blood vessel walls. Massage affects the blood vessels, so people with high blood pressure or a heart condition should receive light, sedating massages and check with their physicians to see whether they can receive more vigorous massage. 

2. Use gravity to your advantage when massaging

Today, we’re going to talk about a game-changing technique for your next self-massage or massage session with a partner: using gravity to your advantage! 🌏 This simple trick can make your massages more effective and enjoyable. Let’s dive in!

Why Gravity Matters in Massage

  • Effortless pressure: By allowing gravity to do the work, you can apply more pressure with less effort, resulting in a deeper and more satisfying massage.
  • Improved control: Gravity helps you maintain better control over your movements, ensuring a smoother and more consistent massage experience.
  • Reduced strain: Since you’re not fighting against gravity, you can avoid unnecessary strain on your muscles and joints, making the process more comfortable and enjoyable for both the giver and receiver.

How to Use Gravity in Your Massages

  1. Positioning: Find a comfortable position that allows you to use your body weight and gravity to apply pressure. For example, when massaging someone’s back, try standing or kneeling above them.
  2. Angle of approach: Adjust your angle to ensure that you’re working with gravity rather than against it. This may involve leaning in or using your body weight to create pressure.
  3. Smooth movements: Let gravity help guide your movements, making them fluid and steady for a more effective massage.

Additional Tips

  • Combine techniques: Don’t be afraid to experiment with different massage techniques while using gravity to your advantage.
  • Communicate: Always check in with your massage partner to ensure that the pressure and techniques are comfortable and enjoyable for them.

3. Apply some massage oil when doing massages

Massages are a wonderful way to relax, relieve stress and soothe sore muscles. But did you know that using massage oil can make your massages even better? Massage oil is a liquid that you apply on the skin of the person you are massaging to reduce friction, enhance glide and increase comfort. Here are some of the benefits of using massage oil for your massages.

Massage oil moisturises the skin

One of the benefits of using massage oil is that it moisturises the skin of the person you are massaging. Massage oil can nourish, hydrate and soften the skin, making it look and feel smoother and healthier. Massage oil can also prevent dryness, cracking and irritation of the skin, especially if you are massaging for a long time or in a dry environment.

Massage oil improves blood circulation

Another benefit of using massage oil is that it improves blood circulation in the body of the person you are massaging. Massage oil can help the blood vessels dilate and relax, allowing more blood to flow through them. This can improve oxygen and nutrient delivery to the tissues, organs and cells, as well as remove waste and toxins from them. Massage oil can also stimulate the lymphatic system, which is responsible for draining excess fluid and fighting infections.

Massage oil enhances relaxation

A third benefit of using massage oil is that it enhances relaxation for both you and the person you are massaging. Massage oil can create a soothing and calming atmosphere with its scent, texture and warmth. Massage oil can also reduce tension and pain in the muscles and joints, as well as ease anxiety and stress in the mind. Massage oil can also help you bond with the person you are massaging by creating a sense of intimacy and trust.

How to use massage oil for your massages

Now that you know the benefits of using massage oil for your massages, here are some tips on how to use it properly:

  • Choose a massage oil that suits your needs and preferences. There are many types of massage oils available, such as mineral oils, vegetable oils, essential oils and blended oils. You can also make your own massage oil by mixing different oils together. Some factors to consider when choosing a massage oil are its viscosity, absorption rate, fragrance, shelf life and allergy potential.
  • Warm up the massage oil before applying it on the skin. You can do this by rubbing some oil between your palms or placing the bottle in a bowl of warm water. This will make the massage oil more comfortable and pleasant to use.
  • Apply a small amount of massage oil on the skin and spread it evenly with your hands. You don’t need to use too much oil, as this can make the massage slippery and messy. You can always add more oil if needed.
  • Use gentle but firm strokes to massage the body part with your hands or other tools. You can vary the speed, pressure and direction of your strokes depending on the effect you want to achieve. You can also use different techniques such as kneading, tapping, rolling and stretching.
  • Wipe off any excess oil from the skin after the massage with a clean towel or tissue. You can also offer the person you are massaging a shower or bath to rinse off the oil completely.

These are some of the ways you can use massage oil for your massages. By using massage oil, you can make your massages more enjoyable and effective for both you and the person you are massaging.

4. Knead. Don’t pinch, when giving a massage

Today, we’re going to discuss a crucial technique for giving an amazing massage: kneading. We’ll explore the benefits of kneading and provide some helpful tips to make sure you’re doing it right. So, let’s dive in!

Why Kneading is Essential in Massage

  • Relieves tension: Kneading helps release muscle knots and tension, leading to a more relaxed and comfortable feeling.
  • Increases circulation: This technique stimulates blood flow, promoting better overall health and well-being.
  • Boosts flexibility: By working the muscles, kneading can improve flexibility and range of motion.

Dos and Don’ts of Kneading

  1. Do: Use the palms of your hands, fingers, and knuckles to apply pressure and work the muscles.
  2. Don’t: Pinch the muscles, as this can be painful and counterproductive.

How to Knead Effectively

  1. Warm-up: Start by warming up the area with some light, sweeping strokes to prepare the muscles for kneading.
  2. Apply pressure: Gently press into the muscle using your hands, fingers, or knuckles, working in a rhythmic motion.
  3. Move in circles: Use a circular motion to work the muscle, focusing on any knots or areas of tension.
  4. Be mindful: Pay attention to your partner’s reactions and adjust your pressure and technique accordingly.

5. Adjust the pressure accordingly

It’s essential to strike the right balance for a truly relaxing and enjoyable experience. So, let’s get started! 😊👌

Why Adjusting Pressure Matters

  • Comfort: Ensuring the person receiving the massage is comfortable and relaxed is crucial for an effective massage.
  • Customization: Different people have different preferences and pain tolerances, so adjusting pressure caters to individual needs.
  • Avoiding injury: Applying too much pressure can cause pain or injury, while too little pressure might not be effective.

Tips for Adjusting Pressure Like a Pro

  1. Listen up: Pay close attention to the person’s verbal and non-verbal cues, such as facial expressions, to gauge their comfort level.
  2. Communicate: Encourage open communication during the massage, so you’re aware of any discomfort or preferences.
  3. Start gently: Begin with lighter pressure and gradually increase as needed, always checking in with the person to ensure their comfort.
  4. Be adaptable: Be prepared to adjust the pressure throughout the massage, as different areas of the body may require varying levels of pressure.

6. Massaging the back 

The back is one of the most common areas that people want to get massaged. The back can get tense and sore from sitting, standing, working or exercising for long periods of time. A good back massage can help relax the muscles, relieve pain and improve posture. Here are some steps on how to massage the back.

Prepare for the massage

Before you start massaging the back, you need to prepare yourself and the person you are massaging. You need to:

  • Find a comfortable and quiet place where you can do the massage. You can use a bed, a couch, a floor mat or a massage table.
  • Gather some massage tools, such as massage oil, towels, pillows and music. You can also use your hands, elbows, knees or other objects to massage the back.
  • Ask the person you are massaging to lie down on their stomach and expose their back. You can cover their lower body with a towel or sheet for privacy and warmth.
  • Warm up your hands and the massage oil by rubbing them together or placing them in a bowl of warm water.

Massage the lower back

The lower back is where most people feel pain and stiffness. To massage the lower back, you need to:

  • Apply some massage oil on your hands and spread it on the lower back.
  • Use your palms or forearms to glide along the lower back from the spine to the sides. You can also use circular or sweeping motions along the muscles.
  • Use your thumbs or fingers to press on specific points or knots on the lower back. You can also use small circles or back and forth motions along the muscles.
  • Use your elbows or knees to apply more pressure on deeper tissues or larger areas. You can also use both elbows or knees at the same time to massage both sides of the lower back.

Massage the upper back

The upper back is where most people feel tension and stress. To massage the upper back, you need to:

  • Apply some massage oil on your hands and spread it on the upper back.
  • Use your palms or forearms to glide along the upper back from the spine to the shoulders. You can also use circular or sweeping motions along the muscles.
  • Use your thumbs or fingers to press on specific points or knots on the upper back. You can also use small circles or back and forth motions along the muscles.
  • Use your elbows or knees to apply more pressure on deeper tissues or larger areas. You can also use both elbows or knees at the same time to massage both sides of the upper back.

Finish the massage

After you have massaged the lower and upper back, you need to finish the massage by:

  • Using your palms or forearms to glide along the whole back from the neck to the hips. You can also use circular or sweeping motions along the muscles.
  • Using your fingers to gently stroke along the spine from the neck to the tailbone. You can also use light taps or vibrations along the spine.
  • Wiping off any excess oil from the back with a clean towel or tissue. You can also offer the person you are massaging a shower or bath to rinse off the oil completely.

These are some of the steps on how to massage the back. By following these steps, you can give a relaxing and effective back massage that will make the person you are massaging feel better and happier.

7. How to Massage Like a Pro with Broad Strokes

Do you want to give your partner or friend a relaxing and soothing massage? If so, you need to know how to use broad strokes. Broad strokes are the foundation of any good massage. They help you warm up the muscles, increase blood flow, and create a sense of connection. In this article, we’ll show you how to use broad strokes for massaging different parts of the body.

What are Broad Strokes?

Broad strokes are massage techniques that use the whole hand or forearm to glide over large areas of the body. They are also called effleurage or gliding strokes. Broad strokes are usually done at the beginning and end of a massage session, or between deeper strokes. They have many benefits, such as:

  • Relaxing the nervous system and reducing stress
  • Preparing the muscles for deeper work
  • Spreading oil or lotion evenly over the skin
  • Stimulating the lymphatic system and removing toxins
  • Creating a bond and rapport with the person receiving the massage

How to Use Broad Strokes for Massaging

To use broad strokes effectively, you need to follow some basic guidelines:

  • Use a comfortable amount of pressure. Don’t press too hard or too lightly. You want to feel the muscles under the skin, but not cause pain or discomfort.
  • Match your speed and rhythm to the person’s breathing. This will help them relax and sync with you.
  • Keep your hands in contact with the skin at all times. Don’t lift them off or break the flow. This will create a smooth and continuous sensation.
  • Vary your direction and angle. Don’t just go up and down or side to side. Try diagonal, circular, or spiral movements. This will add more interest and diversity to your massage.

Here are some examples of how to use broad strokes for massaging different parts of the body:


Start from the lower back and work your way up to the shoulders. Use both hands or forearms to glide along the spine, covering as much surface as possible. You can also use one hand or forearm to glide across the back from side to side, alternating directions.


Start from the feet and work your way up to the hips. Use both hands or forearms to glide along the front and back of the legs, covering as much surface as possible. You can also use one hand or forearm to glide across the legs from side to side, alternating directions.


Start from the hands and work your way up to the shoulders. Use both hands or forearms to glide along the front and back of the arms, covering as much surface as possible. You can also use one hand or forearm to glide across the arms from side to side, alternating directions.

Neck and Shoulders

Start from the base of the neck and work your way up to the head. Use both hands or forearms to glide along the sides of the neck, covering as much surface as possible. You can also use one hand or forearm to glide across the neck and shoulders from side to side, alternating directions.

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8. Just relax

We’re going to share some tips on how to stay relaxed while giving a massage. After all, if you’re tense, the massage might not feel as soothing as it should. So, let’s learn how to stay calm and focused to give the ultimate relaxing massage experience!

Get in the Zen Zone

  • Mindfulness Matters: Focus on the present moment and the sensations of the muscles beneath your hands. This will help you stay connected and provide a more enjoyable experience for the person receiving the massage.
  • Deep Breaths: Remember to breathe deeply and rhythmically while giving a massage. This will help you maintain a calm and relaxed state of mind.

Set the Scene for Relaxation

  • Ambiance is Key: Create a soothing environment with dim lighting, soft music, or calming nature sounds. This will help both you and the person receiving the massage feel more relaxed.
  • Aromatherapy: Introduce calming scents like lavender or chamomile through candles or essential oils to enhance the relaxation factor.

Loosen Up Your Hands

  • Warm-up: Gently stretch and flex your hands and fingers before starting the massage. This will help prevent stiffness and ensure a smoother massage experience.
  • Go with the Flow: Allow your hands to move fluidly and adapt to the contours of the body. Avoid using excessive force or being too rigid with your movements.

Listen and Respond

  • Open Communication: Encourage the person receiving the massage to provide feedback on pressure and comfort. This will help you adjust your technique and create a more personalized experience.
  • Observe Reactions: Pay attention to any non-verbal cues like facial expressions, body language, or changes in breathing. These can offer valuable insights into how the massage is being received.

9. More pressure for the muscles 

Remember, the key is to adjust the pressure depending on the muscle thickness and sensitivity.

Catering to Thick Muscles

  • Feel the Need: Thicker muscles usually require and can handle more pressure. So, don’t hesitate to apply more force when massaging areas like the lower back or the trapezius muscles (a.k.a. “traps”) near the neck and shoulders.
  • Communication is Key: Always encourage your massage partner to let you know if they want you to increase the pressure or lighten up. After all, open communication ensures a great massage experience!

Treading Lightly on Thin Muscles

  • Gentle Touch: For thinner muscles and areas close to the bone, use a lighter touch to avoid causing discomfort or pain.
  • Stay Aware: It’s important to pay attention to your massage partner’s reactions and adjust the pressure accordingly. Remember, the goal is relaxation and pain relief, not causing more pain!

Tips for Applying the Right Pressure

  • Know Your Anatomy: Familiarize yourself with the muscle groups and their thickness. This knowledge will help you apply the appropriate pressure during a massage.
  • Start Slow and Gradual: Begin with gentle pressure and gradually increase it, especially for thicker muscles. This approach allows the muscles to warm up and become more receptive to the massage.
  • Always Check In: Regularly ask your massage partner for feedback. This way, you can make sure you’re providing the right amount of pressure for their comfort and needs.

So, folks, next time you’re giving a massage, remember these tips to tailor the pressure according to the muscle type. This will ensure a relaxing, rejuvenating, and enjoyable experience for both you and your massage partner.


Giving a massage to your loved ones is a great way to show them how much you care and appreciate them. Not only will you help them relax and relieve their stress, but you will also strengthen your bond and intimacy. Massage can also improve your health and well-being, as it boosts blood circulation, reduces inflammation, and releases endorphins.

To give a better massage, you need to create a comfortable and soothing atmosphere, use warm oil and gentle strokes, and pay attention to your partner’s feedback and preferences. You can also learn some basic techniques and tips from online tutorials or books, or even take a class together to improve your skills.

Massage is a wonderful gift that you can give to your loved ones anytime, anywhere. It doesn’t have to be perfect or professional, as long as it comes from the heart. Try it today and see how it can transform your relationship and happiness.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: What are the benefits of giving a massage to your loved ones?

A: Giving a massage to your loved ones can help them relax, relieve stress, ease pain, improve blood circulation, and enhance intimacy. Massage can also boost your mood, health, and well-being, as it releases endorphins, reduces inflammation, and strengthens your immune system.

Q: What are the best massage oils to use?

A: The best massage oils to use are those that are natural, organic, and suitable for your partner’s skin type. You can also add a few drops of essential oils to create a soothing aroma and enhance the massage experience. Some of the best essential oils for massage are lavender, chamomile, bergamot, ylang-ylang, and marjoram. You can find these oils at health food stores or online.

Q: How do I warm up the massage oil?

A: You can warm up the massage oil by placing the bottle in a bowl of hot water for a few minutes. Alternatively, you can rub the oil between your palms before applying it to your partner’s skin. Make sure the oil is not too hot or too cold, as this can cause discomfort or irritation.

Q: How much pressure should I use when giving a massage?

A: The amount of pressure you should use when giving a massage depends on your partner’s preference and feedback. You should start with light pressure and gradually increase it as you feel the muscles loosen up. You should also check in with your partner regularly and ask them if they want more or less pressure. Avoid applying too much pressure or pressing directly on the bones, joints, or nerves.

Q: How long should I massage each body part?

A: There is no fixed rule on how long you should massage each body part, but a general guideline is to spend about 10 to 15 minutes on each major area, such as the back, neck, shoulders, legs, and feet. You can also focus more on the areas that are tense or sore, and less on the areas that are relaxed or sensitive.

Q: How do I end the massage?

A: You can end the massage by gently stroking your partner’s skin with your fingertips or palms. This technique is called feathering, and it helps to calm down the nervous system and bring the massage to a close. You can also give your partner a hug or a kiss and thank them for letting you massage them. You should also encourage your partner to drink some water and rest for a while after the massage.

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Terence is the deputy editor for Tropika Club Magazine. He is an analytical individual who enjoys learning about animals and different cultures. He has a curious mind and is always seeking knowledge and understanding. Terence is also a friendly and approachable person who enjoys making connections with others. He is passionate about his work in the publishing industry and takes pride in his collaborations with authors and editors.

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